Meet the team
Research team at UEA

Professor Alexander Macgregor
Professor of Genetic Epidemiology, Norwich Medical School, University of East AngliaEmail:
Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at UEA. He is a clinical rheumatologist with a research career that has focused on the epidemiology of chronic rheumatic diseases both from the perspective of aetiology and health services research. Chief Investigator for the Norfolk Arthritis Register. Close involvement with a number of national data projects, including the National Joint Register, CPRD, ELSA and UK Biobank.
Alexander Macgregor — University of East Anglia (
Dr Max Yates
Consultant Clinical Associate ProfessorEmail:
Co-investigator for the Norfolk Arthritis Register

Dr Jack Dainty
Senior Research Associate in EpidemiologyEmail:
Research statistician, data analyst and programmer with expertise in managing large datasets including UK Biobank, NJR and HES. He has specific expertise in nutritional epidemiology and bioinformatics.
Jackie Chipping
Clinical ManagerEmail:
Jacqueline Chipping — University of East Anglia (
Karen Durrant
Project Co-ordinatorEmail:
Research team at the University of Manchester
Dr Suzanne Verstappen
Reader in Musculoskeletal EpidemiologyEmail:
A Reader in Musculoskeletal Epidemiology in the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology, Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, School of Biological Sciences. Suzanne is an Epidemiologist with a main research interest in the longterm outcomes such as worker productivity loss, functional disability and co-morbidities and its predictors in patients with adult and juvenile onset inflammatory arthritis.
Suzan is also the Director of Social Responsibility in the School of Biological Sciences and organiser of the in-house Centre for Musculoskeletal Research Basic Epidemiology, Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics course.
Dr James Gwinnutt
MRC Skills Development FellowEmail:
My current research interests include long-term outcomes in patients with inflammatory arthritis, for example disability, surgery and mortality. I am interested in longitudinal analysis techniques, latent class analysis and structural equation modelling. Due to my background in psychology, I am also interested in the long-term psychological consequences of having a rheumatic condition.
I am Deputy Social Responsibility Lead in the Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences and the co-lead of the Epidemiology module of the MSc in Clinical Rheumatology.
Dr Jennifer Humphreys
Presidential Senior Clinical Fellowemail: